A Zettelkasten (German for "Note Box") is a garden for growing ideas you accumulate throughout your life. Over time it builds and becomes an architecture to structure your philosophy, help you to solve problems, and guide decisions.
Rather than scatter your digital knowledge throughout different projects, a Zettelkasten acts as your central knowledge management repository. It is the one place where everything you learn goes regardless of the project you are working on.
When you look online at other people's Zettelkasten systems, you'll notice each system is unique and personalized. And it should be. The workflow for your Zettelkasten should grow from your personal experience and needs as you use it. However, it can be daunting starting out, looking at how almost everyone makes their process super complicated. They take notes of everything they read. They spend hours writing their notes. And hours more fiddling with their processes. You don't need this. You need a system that's simple, portable, efficient, and practical. My process is much simpler. Capture, Nurture, and Share. Just read and listen and observe with a question in mind and write down what seems insightful and useful to you. Over time, you will develop an intuition to capture only that which resonates with you.
Think of consuming information as a panning for gold, the more you pan the more small amounts of gold build in the pan. You don't need to take notes on everything. Your system doesn't need to get bloated with information. You just need to pan for the few nuggets of gold that touch you every day in your digital garden's stream of thoughts to reap the benefits.
And this book will show you how to unlock the gold rush.
Connecting Ideas
The Unix philosophy suggests that programs should do one thing and do it well and your notes should do the same.
A rule of thumb is to keep notes short enough and to fit on a single screen without scrolling (and you should break this rule when needed). When you are constrained, you are forced to think about the fundamentals of the idea you want to convey. This is the key idea of atomic notes.
However, I go further, notes should not just be atomic, they should also be modular. You should design your notes in such a way that you can easily move, link, and duplicate them in your knowledge system without any rewriting or refactoring. This modularity allows you to easily connect and reconnect notes together.
Progress is rarely made by brute-force thinking. Good ideas are rarely conjured from the ether. Progress is more often made by making connections.
Writers make connections between ideas. Engineers make connections between things. Business leaders make connections between people.
By connecting notes we expand our learning and understanding. By connecting ideas, we develop a framework to represent the data and facts of our respective areas of interest, enabling us to become experts in our field. All that's left then is to elaborate on our network of connected ideas in a meaningful way.
Capture Nurture Share
The first elements of a Zettelkasten involve capturing, nurturing, and sharing.
To capture I have a simple note app that takes in all my random thoughts. I call this my "Mind Dump".
To nurture, each day I look at this random collection of notes, thematically organize them and paste the contents into a file that's related to the content. Then I choose some areas I wish to clarify and organize these thoughts into coherent ideas. Turning each thought into an individual note.
Finally, through this book, I express these thoughts. The process of which refines my thinking and leads me further to nurture my ideas.